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Ravening Hordes T9A League

  • Ravening Hordes T9A League

    Last Posts
  • League Rules

    Check here for the most up to date rules on the current league.
    18 Topics
    283 Posts
    Mon Nov 23, 2020 6:40 pm
    Master ehman Fall League 2020: Campaign of Madness !
  • Plan and Report

    Plan your T9A games and report results.
    475 Topics
    7850 Posts
    Thu Dec 24, 2020 5:10 pm
    Kuyp Fall 2020 Reporting Thread
  • League Standings

    See your standings in the current league
    71 Topics
    1230 Posts
    Sun Oct 18, 2020 7:04 pm
    Kuyp 2020 fall leuage sign up, rules and standings
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